dd-on memorial carvings are carvings that are fitted to the range of memorials available from the ‘Greenacres Woodland Burials’ parks (Colney woodland burial park, Epping forest burial park, and Chiltern woodland burial park).
They can include a wide range of subjects from bird carvings and animal carvings, to cars, items relating to a trade or a hobby such as a wood plane, gardening trowel or a camera, and even teddy bears, cartoon characters, and woodland fairy carvings.
I normally like to see the ‘proof copy’ of the lettering supplied by the park to the client, before commencing, to check there is enough space for the chosen carving, and sometimes lettering needs to be spaced accordingly, where the carving or it’s mounting plinth might extend onto the face of the plaque. Most bird carvings just perch on the top edge, and so require no spacing. The parks will normally email me the proof copy at my request.
The carvings are all oil finished to park specifications, and I usually fit them using secure oak mounting pegs, once the memorial has been placed.
Please feel free to contact me with your particular requirements.